First of all find a jar a reasonable size to fit the goodies in, I selected a flying saucer plastic jar which can easily be found in your nearest supermarket seeet aisle! Then I bought a lovely red polka dot ribbon to match the lid from the card factory for under £2 for 2 meters. Then fill/stuff with anything you like- glitter, tissue paper e.t.c I used shredded paper.
Feel free to create a label if you wish, I made one from a piece of baby blue card. Then write and sellotape a cute message on or 'spa in a jar'.
Finally the best bit, fill with all their fave body treats.
I used products from Dove, Boots, Soap and Glory, Bayliss and Harding e.t.c
This pressie can be made by anyone, mine was around £20 something pounds but you can make an extravagant high end spa in a jar or a budget one!
Simple and effective.
The equipment you will need:
A jar
Fave bath treats
Something to fill e.g.
Tissue paper.
This is a really sweet idea! x